Saturday, January 26, 2008

I watch too many movies...

In light of all the crazy happenings that have gone down over the past few weeks, I find myself constantly thinking my life, or at least parts of it, have become very Sunshine of the Spotless Mind-esque; my dreams have become vivid, colorful, and often overflow into what appears to be the "real" world. Characters and happenings mingle in both my conscious and unconscious world, though the latter is decidedly more colorful, however -- it seems both are equally erratic. While all that's very much romanticized, really, I just want someone to whisper "meet me at montauk" into my ear, and make the two culminate in one. Then maybe, my stress would stop, if only briefly.

It's odd, how a series of dramatic events will effect someone, and it's even odder which events -- many obscure and unrelated -- will ignite certain thoughts and reflections. A very special girl once told me that when she first meets someone, the first question she wants to ask them is what age they think they will be when they die. It's an odd query, one many shy away from, naturally, including myself. I'd hate to stamp my own expiration date, and often, I hope I live forever; immortality -- a blessing and a curse. But as people die, as we all will someday, I can't help but wonder how long the Green Mile really is.

Also, I just want to wake up to this every morning:

1 comment:

maxwolves said...

ive been having really intense dreams lately too.
really weird.
dreams that ride the fence of sleep and consciousness.